Building and Planning Regulations are a set of laws that govern the construction of buildings in England. These regulations can have a huge impact on your project, so it’s important to know what you need to do before starting work. This article will go over some basic information about Building and Planning Regulations, including what they cover and how they affect different types of projects.

What are Building and Planning Regulations? 

Regulations exist in order to oversee the quality of construction that takes place. They protect not only those who build, but also residents from unsafe buildings and poor workmanship. In cases where a permit is rejected, an explanation has to be given by regulatory bodies so you can appeal their decision if necessary. 

Understanding Planning and Regulations 

Planning and regulations are important before you start any building work on your property. The three most common hurdles or restrictions people come across when carrying out their projects include planning permission, building regulations, and permitted development rights. They will be explained below to give you a better idea about each one:

Planning Permission 

Planning permission is designed to regulate the use, location and appearance of buildings. Thankfully there are many things that might seem like small implications that could lead to much larger changes! Sometimes planning permission will be denied when a design doesn’t fit into an existing environment or can cause some type of hazard – but not all the time. Listed Buildings also require prior approval before any work goes forward on their property – even if it’s something as simple as painting your front door without having first obtained proper permissions from council authorities in advance. 

Building Regulations 

Building regulations are designed to ensure the structural integrity of a building and materials used during construction. The vast majority of types of work will require you to meet these requirements, as well as when it’s carried out in accordance with those guidelines then your company knows that their work up-to-date standards for safety measures.

Understanding Building and Planning Regulations

Permitted Development 

Planning permission is not always necessary for small projects – it’s a good idea to check first, but if you’re doing something like putting an extension on your house or adding a conservatory, then permitted development rights to mean that in most cases there are exemptions. Since October 2008 people have been able to carry out various types of work without needing planning permission so you needn’t worry too much about this when carrying out smaller-scale jobs such as


Full details in regard to when you might or mightn’t need planning permission can be found on the government website Planning Portal. When it comes to permitted development, there are different rights depending if they’re flats, maisonettes and commercial buildings. Listed Buildings also have a number of different rules around them as they tend to fall within conservation areas or because their historical significance has been noted for some reason. 

Before carrying out any work always check with your local planning authority first so builders will follow these regulations but sometimes carry out building works that aren’t allowed under this scheme – make sure you know what exactly is required before construction begins!